Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunshine Again....

Well, after that brief respite, it was back to almost 100 degrees and sunshine. The kids have been having big fun playing in their wading pool all summer long. We finally got a couple of pictures of it.

It can't be July...It's RAINING!!!!!!!

Unbelievably, after almost a MONTH of temperatures over 100 degrees, we got RAIN and almost a WEEK with 85-90 degree temperatures. This NEVER happens in July. The best thing was that the rain didn't have any lightning or thunder and Will and Caroline got to play in it!

Here is some more of the singing and dancing fun....Thanks for capturing this on video, Daddy!

Afterward, both Will and Caroline were soaking wet. They had the BEST time ever.

Vacation Bible School

For the first time ever, Will got to go to Vacation Bible School this year. He had the BEST time. Every day was a different theme. His two favorites were Crazy Hat Day and Crazy Character Day.

Here he is, in his favorite PJs and wearing his crazy hat.

Caroline needed a hat, too. These are also her favorite PJs. She will get to go to VBS next summer!

Here is Will, wearing his crazy costume during the VBS program. He was so very hot, but REFUSED to take the costume off. He wore it the ENTIRE day!

Ricky Ricardo

We brought home a couple of Ben's uncle's hats from Oklahoma, and then next thing, we knew, we had the new Ricky Ricardo standing right in our house!

Doing Some Work

A couple of weeks ago, we walked out into the garage, and Will and Caroline had "roped" a "construction" area off. Here is a picture of them, hard at work, doing important things.

Snowcones !!!!

We tried snowcones once last summer, and it was a disaster. We tried again this summer and the kids LOVE them. Neither of them remembered having one before, so it was like they had them for the first time.

And, of course, we had to start them off with Mommy's personal coconut!!!!!

Here they are, right after we got home with the snowcones. You didn't think we would let them have them in the car, did you?

What could be better than a snowcone on a HOT summer day?

We had to abandon our plan to eat them outside once the mosquitoes started feasting. You can tell from the after pictures, Will is our neatnick and Caroline is MESSY MESSY MESSY.

What Could Be More Fun Than a Box???

We now know that both Will and Caroline can fit into a diaper box.

Here is Caroline, trying it on for size.

You can't find me.....

I fit, too!

Going on a Treasure Hunt

The truck also doubles as a pirate ship. One day, Caroline made a treasure map. The next thing we knew, both Will and Caroline had jumped into the truck and headed out on a "hunt".

And, of course, Will drove while Caroline read the map!

Here they are with Caroline very intent on their destination.

Doing Some Yard Work

Ever since we got the Monster Traction truck, Will has been following Daddy around the yard with his "tools". One day in late July, Will decided that our tree needed some trimming.

First, he had to find just the right spot and unload his chainsaw.

Cutting the tree. The saw really has a "chain" on it and makes a loud chainsaw noise.

Putting the tools away and heading in for the day. What a ham!