Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Blow Ups!

The first week of September, Mommy had to go into the "magical" closet where the holiday items are stored to get some wrapping paper. Well, Will and Caroline weren't far behind. For the rest of the day, they were begging and begging to go back into the closet to take the Halloween decorations out. Mommy was strong and held them off.

When I got home from work the next day, the kids had taken all of our light up pumpkins out of the closet and they were scattered all over the house. Apparently, Daddy isn't as tough as he acts! Next thing I knew, our house was decorated for Halloween on September 8th, right down to the spider and ghost lights on the fireplace.

I drew the line at taking out the blow ups, though. We told the kids they had to wait until it was October before we could put them out in the yard. Well, Hurricane Ike brought us two "refugees" (my brother and his wife) from the Galveston area. We were reorganizing the closet the Sunday after the hurricane so that Rick and Wanda could store their important items there and Will and Caroline not only got back into the closet, but managed to drag all of the blow ups out.

What was a mother to do? Well, this mother (along with our special guests) set up the blow ups in the backyard (yes, folks, on September 15th) so that we could be sure to be ready for Halloween.

Will with his "plugger".... He calls power strips "pluggers" because you plug things into them.

Look at that sweet boy...

They have named all of their pumpkin blow ups...

Will hugging the "Will" pumpkin...two weeks after this picture, Will and Daddy "decapitated" this pumpkin with the lawnmower. Fortunately, it was on the stem on the top, so we put a rubber band on it and it still inflates just fine.

Caroline with the "me...the witch" pumpkin (aka the Caroline pumpkin). This pumpkin is the reason we keep them all in the backyard. Last year, someone stole our original witch pumpkin out of the front yard. We immediately bought the tall "Will" pumpkin to replace it, but the kids were still heartbroken. Mommy was able to locate this replacement "Caroline" pumpkin and the kids were happy once again. Will still talks about the bad people who stole our pumpkin, though.

Mommy, Will, and Caroline with the "Hayden" pumpkin. Hayden is Will's very best friend in the entire world.

In case you think I am totally weak, I HAVE been able to hold them off on their costumes...Here it is, October 21st, and I have managed not to let Will wear his fireman costume (not for lack of trying). Caroline hasn't worn her princess ballerina costume, either, but she hasn't really asked.

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